Archive | December, 2022

2022 In Review: The Big & Small Of It

23 Dec

Big City Moment / Small City Moment
There was a point during a ‘guys night out’ last week in Atlanta when it dawned on me that I was at a table with a Swede, a Kiwi and a second-generation Colombian immigrant.

Two nights later I attended a holiday party for one of my clients that has five total employees.

Big Girl Moment / Small Girl Moment
“I think the spelling bee killed my shyness,” said my oldest daughter after her debut duet at her school’s recent holiday chorus night. That same awesome girl also made her holiday to-do list into a fun, cartoon-figured, bubble-lettered piece of sketch art (below).

Big Work Moment / Small Work Moment
Two of my accounts, from opposite coasts, offered substantial raises mid-year without my asking. On the other hand, my lowest paying client held firm on a March deadline despite a very distressing family health situation. I learned that the schedule wasn’t that pressing when we were still working on internal edits the following week.

High & Low Effort
I always wonder about trash on the side of the road. Who are these people who can’t hold onto that coffee cup or empty fast food bag just a few minutes more till their path inevitably passes by a trash can? Locally, I’ve gotten a good chuckle out of the neighbor who blows his leaves out into the street rather than bag them. On the other hand, I’m thankful for those thoughtful people who show the effort, from an uncle-in-law who never forgets a birthday to a neighbor friend who delivered a meal after hearing of my father’s rough health episode. The small acts of kindness really do add up!

Big Girl Moment / Small Girl Moment, Part II
My oldest niece got married in October, about four months after the arrival of our newest niece. Although a quarter of a century apart in age, those beautiful blessings both came up big in an up and down year.