Archive | July, 2017

My Content Runneth Over

31 Jul

Writers like when ideas come easy, flow freely. As a friend and neighbor of a brewer, I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy quality content for the pen and the palate.

You want refreshing? In May, I refreshed a 2014 Eventide Brewing blog from this space into a paying piece on Always good to recycle, I say. It nearly rivaled my grad school accomplishment of getting two paychecks from one course review article, which included a rather enjoyable, complimentary round of golf.

The month before I copy-edited my third beer can design for Eventide. Some assignments are better than others, even if there is no money involved. To refresh an ol’ football coach’s saying: pay is temporary, pride is forever!

I’ll never know the unique feeling a musician gets when he or she hears their song on the radio for the first time, but I was pretty darn proud last month when I first spied my brewer neighbor’s (superbly edited) products on the grocery store shelves. His perspiration and my inspiration turned into validation right there in the Publix beer aisle…

Speaking of musicians, my father-in-law’s band earlier this month contributed their own enjoyable content at our neighborhood pig party, a seven-year tradition made possible in no small part by our generous brewing neighbors. It is better to give than to receive, but I recommend doing both.


Feeling contented with the Gold Standard Band and Eventide beer near.